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Register for the conference
Registration fees include admission to three full days of the conference (June 9-11), including Gary Dell's Festschrift, and the refreshments served. They do not include the conference dinner. If you wish to only attend Gary Dell's Festschrift, you can use the option of one-day registration.
Registration fees after May 8 for different categories are:
Pre-doctoral scholars (students and research assistants): $150
Postdoctoral fellows: $200
Faculty (assistant, associate, full professors, and equivalents): $250
One-day registration: $100
To register, please enter your information in the form below. You will then be directed to a secure payment collection website. You must use a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or JCB) to register. If it is absolutely impossible for you to pay with a credit card, please email us.